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The FERAL and FERAL+ pedals are the end result of years of loving the Rat circuit and searching for the sounds and flexibility that I imagined were possible, but could never find.
I wanted more low end and weight, especially when dialing the Distortion knob below noon. I wanted more control over the gain, and where it transforms from overdrive, to distortion, to fuzz, typically within very small moves on the dial. It was also imperative to me that while trying to expand upon the original design that I not lose any of its defining characteristics.
FERAL is the condensed version for conserving pedal board real estate and featuring a unique approach to clipping.
The bottom row of knobs (BASS, HEADROOM, TAME) are all at their "stock" settings when turned all the way down.
While this knob primarily functions to increase the amount of gain, it is important to be aware that lower settings are inherently brighter, and that the tone gets darker and fuller as the DISTORTION knob is turned up. This tonal interaction is part of what makes the circuit great, but also means that while adding or reducing gain, you may wish to compensate for these tonal changes with the other controls.
To the uninitiated, this knob can potentially seem backwards when compared to the classic tone knobs you may be used to. My suggestion is to think of it as a “High Cut” knob - start with the knob all the way down, and then determine how much high end you want to cut out.
Final output volume. This will vary greatly with different clipping settings.
The BASS knob is actually a bass boost, which occurs pre-distortion and therefor adds both gain and low end. With the knob all the way down you have the traditional Rat low-end, which should be considered it’s flat or neutral location. Turning the knob up increases the bass going into the circuit, adding weight and fullness. Because this boost is pre-distortion, the BASS and DISTORTION knobs are interactive. At lower DISTORTION settings you may wish to have the BASS set higher. And to anyone who might be curious, this is not the Ruetz or other pre-existing mod.
A unique approach to clipping - with the knob all the way down you have standard Rat style symmetrical silicon clipping. As the HEADROOM knob is turned up, you will distort the pedal less and have increased output volume. This is implemented in a way where you never lose the trademark bite and flavor of the original design. If this option remains more distorted than you're looking for, there is an internal switch that modifies the HEADROOM control for cleaner results.
The TAME control functions to make the high end of the distortion less harsh. This happens pre-distortion, and therefor higher levels of TAME will result in less gain. Historically I have always found this mod to be too heavy handed and to quickly remove the aspects I love about the original circuit. I've updated this design making it easier to dial in subtle changes that can be beneficial, while maintaining the full range. This is my personal take on the Ruetz mod.
Many Rat users never turn the distortion knob past noon, and for those like us there's a surprisingly wide range of desirable sounds typically found between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock on the dial. However, fine tuning within that range can at times be challenging.
- MED GAIN is the stock setting. It is actually just a moderate reduction, and more gain than the "MID" gain setting on the FERAL+. This slight reduction provides better fine tuning control, and I think covers the desired gain range for 99% of users. If you find yourself turning the DISTORTION knob all the way up and still wanting more, then the FULL gain position is for you.
- FULL GAIN is the traditional gain range from the original circuit.
- MED HDRM is the stock setting, which preserves the signature bite of this circuit.
- FULL HDRM provides a cleaner option, if MED remains too distorted for your tastes.
LM308 chip included and socketed.
Standard 'Boss-style' 9v DC Power with a Center Negative tip
9-18V Power OK.
Higher voltages (not exceeding 18V) will provide more headroom which may or may not be preferred.
The current draw is 3 mA.
No option for battery power.
Quick Demo of the 6 Knob Feral on Instagram - Same Circuit in a Limited Black Enclosure.
Pedals are built to order and may take up to 1 to 2 weeks to ship depending on current order volume. Tracking information will be emailed when your order ships.
All international orders are not my responsibility once they are accepted by the US Postal Service. If there are issues I will attempt to resolve them, but I cannot be held accountable for issues with foreign services, customs, duties, or deliveries that are beyond my control. That said there have been very few issues, so I am happy to offer this option, please just be aware and responsible in tracking and collecting your shipments, etc. Any additional fees or duties charged by the destination country are also beyond my control. Thank you for understanding.